# website This will become my only website. I might replicate it to cloud services for backup and maybe for bandwidth, but never depend on such services. I might migrate and evolve content from - my IT blog - my funfairview blog - resume website - basics of life - board games instructions Also I want to write new pages about - gardening and sustainable lifestyle - intentional computer programming - books I have read (summary, thoughts) - music and bands I like The source content has the form of - a directory heirarchy - posts/articles as html pages - emojis that symlink to dirs and pages - tag directories with symlinks to pages - media files (images, maybe sounds) The site will be generated from the source - For each directory index.html links to all files and sub-dirs - Navigation like up, back is left to browser UI - Front page with a set of links to -- recently updated pages (by html file timestamps) -- recently added pages -- dirs with most pages (by html file count) -- tags with most pages -- CSS stylesheets for all pages ("site") and indexes -- Links to dirs and pages show emoji and name of target -- mailto links on each index.html -- Simplicity!